Pretty scary,huh?...and this was after going out in the morning.
I was sick.
I don't like being sick. I'm not good at it. I suck at being sick. I'm not talking terminally ill sick (god forbid).
Scratchy throat, stuffy nose, head and body aches, fever (don't know, maybe just imagining that) no drive, no zip, no get up and go sick.
Isn't that enough?
If it was a weekday, I might have gone to work, may have left a little early, just enough to infect the office. But it's not. It's the weekend. This is free time...play time...fun time. I had stuff to do and it's not getting done. Unless I do it under the weather, which I probably won't, although I should. Who knows? There's always tomorrow. We'll see.
It's supposed to be nice out, which makes it even worse. Nobody want to be inside when the weather outside is so delightful...especially now that it is at such a premium. How many good days do we have left? A handful...at best. Pretty soon the ground will be frozen solid, then covered in snow. Aside from the mandatory shoveling, the obligatory snowman, and the occasional sledding, I turn into an indoor kitty for the next five months.
That's enough to get me out tomorrow, despite the shape I'm in.
Hide the kids, warn the neighbors...that disheveled bum with the rake in his hand ...it's just Pete.
Can anyone say Nyquil?