(Obviously the XXX portion comes after hours because I've yet to see anything innappropriate)
I know the runner from South Africa with no legs is a great story and all, but I think that headless gymnast should have got more press than she did.

Not coming soon to your local grocer ....

I think the reason she was so dissapointed in winning silver is because that's the same precious metal that her spoons and plates have always been made of. Honey, you're the second best IN THE WORLD. Smile..that means you were better in your sport than 6,973,738,432 other people. For crissakes. Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they've hit a triple.
Did you see this one?
So let me break it down for you...
1500 meter race for the gold medal
congested field
this runner trips
she then proceeds to have a tantrum on the track. (My house was divided on this one, but here's my take)...Get off the goddamned ground and finish the friggin' race. Don't roll around on the track and have a little hissy fit. What are you, a five year old who just let go of their ballon after Mommy said, "now sweetie, be sure to hold on to that balloon"?
I get it. You've been training for half of your life for this moment. Think of all those big macs and whoopie pies you could have had. You know what, you fell...you didn't get injured...get off the ground and finish the race. Hell, you probably could have caught that girl from Saudi Arabia wearing the full headress and robe that her country made her wear.
Jesse Owens is rolling over in his grave.
This guy ran the last 200 meters of his leg of the relay race with a broken leg, yes a broken leg. Apparently a bruised ego is harder to overcome than an appendage that used to be in one piece becoming two during a race.

Speaking of winners and losers that Usain Bolt sure can run. It's almost like he's chasing something.
He's a winner, but that national anthem from Jamaica surely is not. It sounds like the theme song to a 1970's soap opera.
I always thought this was the Jamaican national anthem..

Queer, isn't it?
The fencing ended up being quite exciting...
and I found myself watching water polo, although I don't know why. Well, maybe I do..

Oh, and apparently Michael Phelps has always been the fastest swimmer.

There's dozens of other highlights (and lowlights) that could be discussed, but I'm already looking ahead to 2016 in Rio. I hear the teams to beat are the Scooby Doobies, the Yogi Yahooeys, and the Really Rottens.

...fingers crossed for the Spice Girls at the closing ceremonies.