...and so's this...
Pompatus of Pete blog.
This is post number 99 for me.
That's something.

That's Agent 99.
She was also something.
I've been thinking a lot about my 100th post.
I've believe I've actually been avoiding it in some fashion.
I think.

This is how it's going to work.
I've been working on something for awhile.
Ultimately the goal of what I've been working on would be to hit the number 100.

Here's the thing...I need a little motivation to hit this number of 100.
Here's my motivation.
I will not post my 100th blog until I do it.
If I never do it I never write another blog.
How's that for motivation?
...or should I say, well, it's been a good run.
You'll see the occasional repost from time to time (I've gotten quite good at that recently).
But nothing new.
I promise.

So any of you that know Pompatus of Pete in person, feel free to ask how it's going.
I'll tell you.
So with that, I'll leave you on this positive note. A song that I rediscovered I loved. I'm sure my youngest will dig the animation. Not to mention, if I introduce her to some more of "my music" it's a win. Right? Remind me to show it to her tomorrow.
Very "Beatlesque".
Yes, that's for you Ross.
Hope to write for you all again.
Let's shoot for Labor Day....or Halloween. Thanksgiving at the latest.
We'll see.
Much love and positive vibes from me to all of you.