Anyone else remember these?

The box described them as imitation berries. I've been in the Produce business for a long time and I've never seen an imitation berry tree...or maybe it's a bush..or a vine. Although I'm sure I had a crunch berry or two back in the day, I've got no remembrance of what they tasted all. Anyone still have a box in the back of their cupboard that's been overlooked since the 70's?...probably taste the same as they would have 40 years ago.
How about this?

The vitamin powered sugary cereal. How many Guiding Stars would Hannaford rate this with, negative 2? I'm sure I made my Mom buy this for the free matchbox car that came inside. Now that was a free toy.
One more...and since we're in the Q's...

Apparently Quisp was a quazy energy cereal.
...and the cosmic clouder that you could send away for looks like a fart gun. Whatever that is. I think I possibly just invented it.
Here's a Quisp and Quake combo commercial from the seventies...
I think I liked them because the reminded me of the Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons.
And not just those two...Boris Badenov and Natasha, oh, and don't forget Fearless Leader....Dudley Doo Right and Snidely Whiplash...Mr. Peabody and his boy Sherman...Fractured Fairy Tales. That's some high quality TV you're talking about there son.
Since we're talking about popcorn...random, remember.
I just popped some for my lovely wife and two things came to mind.
The container that we keep our popcorn in is an old jug of some brand of popcorn that I'm sure is no longer in production. The top of the container has an expiration date on it of Dec 26, 1998. That makes that container oh, about 14 years old. We must really like that container.
I had to melt some butter, so I have this awesome routine of cutting a few slices of stick butter (you can use any brand, but we prefer Kate's 100% pure butter - sea salted...ok watch the royalties pour in on that one), set the microwave for 1 minute...put it on 50% power, then hit go (can you tell I've done this a few times?). Go to the silverware knives. Aha, the dishwasher just got done...pull out the knife you use ...and it was literally like a warm knife through butter, because, well, it was a warm knife cutting through butter. How many times does an analogy really apply in real life?
Here's a picture of my popcorn popper...

Looks like a consolation prize from the Let's Make a Deal
Monty Hall: "Alright Pete, do you want to take this wad of bills in my right hand or take a chance for what's under this cardboard box that Carol Merrill is holding ?"
The Audience: "Take the money...take the money...take the money!!!"
Pete: "I think I'll take my chance on the box".
Nobody can say I didn't rock the costume. I went as my 10th grade German teacher.
Getting late...let's go down one more road.
I've been to lot's of outdoor parties, picnics, cookouts etc, this Summer. While they've all been great, the best gathering is going to be the one when someone digs out that cobweb covered box of jarts from the back of the garage...and we play. To the death. That party will kick it.

Looks dangerous, don't they?
For those of you under, say, oh I don't know, maybe 30, let me explain jarts to you.
Picture heavily weighted metal projectiles with a fine steel point on them being tossed about twenty-five feet towards a plastic ring with a circumference of about 2 1/2 feet. Oh, and picture your opponent standing next to that plastic ring (or your team mate and your opponent if you were playing doubles, and you were always playing doubles, because EVERYONE wanted in on a game of jarts). One of the finer points of jarts was to be as nonchalant as possible as that death device was hurtling towards you. Many a sneaker was punctured or pair of shorts was ripped because of your refusal to give an inch as the jart was zeroing in on you. Jarts never ended well because of two things that were also part of every jarts game, and not neccesarily in this order...alcohol and testosterone. Most games of jarts (and by most I mean every) devolved into throwing your missile intentionaly at your opponent, or even better, your team mate.
This is how you knew when the game was over

Good times my friends. Good times.
Anywho...I think I hear a box of Freakies cereal calling my name from somewhere behind that popcorn container from 1998. I hope there's still that free magnet inside the box.

Peace out.