Ted Nugent.
Cat Scratch Fever.
This song is not in my top 100...or even 500...as a matter of fact I've got about 5000 songs on my ipod and this isn't one of them. There's probably never been a more sexist song ever written...but...I ran across it in the car on the radio tonight...considered switching channels...didn't...then I was IN IT. I was back in 8th grade again..playing air guitar...singing along (by the way...if you want to listen, just about the 2:00 mark I've ALWAYS thought he said "bite my thing"...turns out he's says "make my bed")...I think mine suits the song better. I'm singing it that way next time too.
Oh, I do have this on vinyl though.

I'm sure it had something to do with it being about 78 degrees out when I was leaving work (and for those of you that don't know...this is being written in Maine). This is , what, April 16th or 17th....is it even officially Spring yet? I lose track. It's already friggin' Summer out. It's more likely to snow in Maine in the middle of April than it is be close to 80 degrees. Can you say global warning?

Go figure.
Speaking of music, I spent the day in New York City this past weekend and was exposed to tons of performers.
There was the guy playing guitar in Washington Square Park...or was it the guy in Columbus Park...or maybe it was across the street from the Plaza...or maybe Bryant Park...don't matter... either way he (they) were good. There's nothing like a guy playing solo outdoors with nothing but a hat for tips in front of him
...unless it's this guy

...the frying pans and skillets were a nice touch. Really rounded out his sound.
Then there were the Meetles.
Not a typo.
The Meetles.
Just like the Beatles except there were seven of them...and John was a girl...and Yoko played bass...and Ringo was bigger and balder than me...and they had four guitarists

Why the Meetles? Why not the Meatles? Probably some clever (or not so clever) take on Meet the Beatles...the Beatles second album

I see the resemblance, don't you? I only got to hear the tail end of "A Hard Day's Night" and it was pretty good...considering John was a girl and all.
Then on the subway on the way to Grand Central some girl started to announce herself as Samantha Smooth...or Wet Wilma...or Silky Drawers McGraw...or some such thing...gave her website (every Tom, Dick, and Harry has a website these days...look at me for crying out loud) and started to walk through the car "singin her tune" Might have been more well received if the car hadn't been about ninety people over full capacity. Slithering between people hanging off the handrails, packed in like sardines could not have been easy, but that didn't give her any excuse to suck. Because she did. She sucked. I know because when it comes to singing, I suck. I would have held my own against her in a sing off. At least I wasn't schilling my web site on the train with nothing to back it up..
"Hey, why don't you fire up your ipad...It's P-O-M-P-A" ...I think you get it.
Next time I want to get on these guy's train..

That's it for now...just had to get one out of my system.
I'm going for a ride...now where did I put that Deep Purple disc?
Love love me do.