Isn't that something? I saw this at the Yale Museum of Art quite a few years ago. It really is something else.
Just to prove I have no clue what I'm going to write about before I start, I was going to call this post "Where's all the white women at?"
That's from some movie that I don't even remember (someone google it for me and let me know), but for some reason it's been stuck in my mind for a couple of days. It makes me smile everytime. Juvenile, I know, but just the same, it makes me smile.
...nevermind, I just did. Blazing Saddles.
That's some good shi*t right there. (Look at me editing my own blogs, who am I worrying about offending? I'm going to post a blog sometime that is rife with curse words and all sorts of vulgar language and inappropriate behavior. I'll title that one "Mom, Don't read this one.")
So back to this blog...
I started thinking about this when I was mowing my lawn this morning. I was thinking how people (you know who you are) always say to me, after sharing an experience with them, "You'll have to blog about this", or "Am I going to read about this in your next blog?"...sorry , it don't work that way. Actually, it just sort of did, didn't it?
No, the way it works is I think about something that sticks with me for awhile...it might be a word, or a phrase, or a song, or a memory, or a smell..you get the picture. Usually that thing is just the jumping off point (Like Starry Night). I never know where it's going to come from. So asking me to write about something is like asking a magician to show you a trick, or asking a comedian to tell you or joke, or asking a caddie to wash your balls...well, maybe not that last one.

So then I started playing with some other ideas....
I was thinking of some sort of fictionalized story about an ancestor of mine, Sarah Wildes.

Sarah was hung for being a witch during the Salem witch trials back in 1692. This is true.
The fictionalization would not have been. Basically it would have been a litany of lies strung together to make a story. Not sure if fiction is really my strength or not, but I've dabbled in it with some success before.
Anyone remember these?
now that's fiction.
I also was thinking about the time I was in a car (and I've alluded to this one before) with two friends and we drove it under and 18 wheeler and got wedged underneath it...but I don't think my Mom is ready for that one yet either.

Then there are the reminiscing blogs that I revert to once in awhile. My youngest daughter turning ten this week got me thinking about that. But who wants to hear about watching the Carol Burnett show on Saturday nights while our parents were down at the Men's Club dance (Men's Club!)
...getting pulled on a skateboard while hanging on to a twenty foot rope tied to the back of your best friends bike...or even better, just by your best friend.

....being allowed to go to the A&W and ordering your meal by picking up the phone that was in your booth, connecting to their switchboard operator, then having the little orange light on the top of the phone come on until your order was done (man, that root beer that was served in those frosty mugs was the best)
....or how everyone had a speedometer (and an odometer) on their ten speeds and you would make up crazy things like seeing who could work up the best speed - usually starting at the top of some hill - then racing down said hill - and you'd have to stop pedaling when you got to THAT telephone pole - and you'd see who could go the farthest just by coasting - and when you'd almost come to a stop you'd start moving your handlebars back and forth trying to coax those extra inches out of your ride because winning meant everything back then.

Who wants to hear about those things? Me, that's who
...but that's for another time as well.
This blog was about Starry Night...or was it?
one more thing...
Starry, starry night.
Paint your palette blue and grey,Look out on a summer's day,
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul.
Peace out.