Easy is fun.
This looks easy....
I think this guy has more than seven women on his mind...his online "girlfriend" that he's never met makes eight...and the lunch lady in his school cafeteria is nine...and his best friend's Mom is ten...and that Farrah Fawcett poster from 1977...and Miss February 2004...and the dozens of women he's videotaped, no forget it, that's to easy.
So the ukelele must be easier to play than a guitar, right? There's only four strings compared to six on a guitar. So that makes it 33% easier, right?

Well, maybe not...that's a lot of dots
So, take it easy. That's not the same as easy does it. Is it?
I think easy does is more like this..
Bruce: "I'm so mad I could just scream"
Gregory: "Easy does it Bruce, I think you have someone else's purse".

There's easy as pie.
Which I don't get.
Is pie easy?

Easy as toast doesn't quite roll off the tongue though, does it?
Now falling off a log, that's easy.

...and it makes sense.
Like taking candy from a baby makes sense.

It's not nice, but I imagine it is easy. I say I imagine because I've never actually done it. As a matter of fact I don't know anyone that has. As a matter of fact I don't know if I've ever seen a baby actually eating candy. I don't even know what kind of candy a baby would even eat. Do you?

Now really, how many of you didn't see that one coming?
That was too easy.
Then there's easy like a Sunday morning. But for my money I think Saturday is easier than Sunday. It is because it's easier to start the weekend than to end it, and Sunday is half way to the end. Hence, Saturday gets the edge, albeit a slight one.

Easy is not always good.
If a woman is easy, that's bad. But is it worse than if a woman is hard?
and is it possible?
I think so (not that it's worse, that it's possible)...and I'll choose the hard woman

Every time.
Easy is simple and being simple is not good.
I call my cat simple.
It's not a compliment.

Easy can be lenient. Whatever that means.
"Go easy on him, he's got a wife and kids"
There's easy money and easy pickings...easy targets...easy going...you can have an easy smile, which is nice, I guess.
You can take the easy way out...which is what I'm about to do

Tell someone tomorrow that they have an easy smile.
I will if you will.
I don't even know if that's truly a compliment, but I bet they smile when you say it.
I know I would.

So enough with the easy.
Although this wasn't exactly hard.
Remember this friends...
For a dummy, you make a lot of sense.-Fred Sanford