Change is good.
Isn't it?

Pompatus of Pete as we all know and love it (and I know we all love it) will be no more.
It's going to be different.
And better.
Way better.

I've given this a lot of consideration. As a matter of fact I've been mulling it over for a long time.
I think you're all tired of reading about things like my ten year old correcting me on my improper use of the words good and well.

...or random thoughts about random things like...
The fickle finger of fate

...or me pointing out things like the fickle finger of fate line is used in that Supremes clip at the beginning of this post.
...or listening (actually reading) about me going on a rant because my neighbor in the cube next to me at work continually incorrectly pronouncing "across" as "acrosst" ...or "library" as "libaree"...or "nuclear" as "nucular"
...or listening to clip after clip of the same old tired music from the 60's and 70's
like this...
See, I can tell your bored already by the number of you that didn't watch that.
(I can tell you know)
So.. here's a promise
(actually more than one)
The next time you hear from me
1) My blog will have a different title
B) it will have different content
3) you will all thank me for the change.
So with that dear friends, I bid you adieu