Here are two, quite popular vices
I won't tip my hand as to which one I prefer...some things need to remain a secret.
I left work early today...picked up my daughter...then got an ice cream cone..BEFORE SUPPER (Gasp!)
Any vices broken then? I think was 80 degrees here being being March 22....usual temperature for this day in Maine is 45 degrees. Today was HOT...or as we say here in Maine...a wicked friggin' scorchah!

Is drinking a vice? Don't know, but if it is, good for me because that's one I don't abuse. Although full disclosure here...I am writing this while enjoying a Gritty's Pub Style...and I may have another before I'm done (and if this gets tough, maybe even another). Once again, me drinking a beer or two has less to do with this being a vice of mine than it does with it BEING A WICKED FRIGGIN' SCORCHAH today.
How about swearing. OK, I'll own up to this one. I do this one. Seldom around the house...more so at work...frequently with friends. I think I prefer profanity used as an adjective rather than a noun. Swearing with verbs would be my second favorite use. Curse words that are nouns are vulgar, and I'm not a vulgar guy. Curse words used as adjectives are colorful...and surprising...and fun. Go ahead try swearing to yourself...first as nouns...then verbs....then adjectives. Which do you prefer? Thought so. Isn't the English language a fucking riot?

Then you've got wrath, vanity, and weakness. But I'm above all of those, and you can shove it where the sun don't shine...unless of course you don't agree. You're probably right and I'm wrong.....
There's jealousy, but that's not me, unless of course I see someone doing something that I wish I was doing...
Greed doesn't really apply. I'm always happy with what I have (as long as it's more than the next guy).
I never brag or am arrogant....except when I feel the need to point out my superiority to inferior people. If I even choose to speak to them.
Anger's not even in my vocabulary, well it is now obviously. Thanks for pointing that out. I never would have done that to you. EVERYTHING DOESN'T NEED TO BE PERFECT ...EXCEPT FOR YOU ...JUST DROP IT, OK? FORGET I EVEN BROUGHT IT UP,OK. JESUS, ENOUGH ALREADY. LET IT GO.
How was that? Believable? Didn't think so. This is the only mad I'm comfortable with...

Alright...two beers down, best to stop now, or I'll have to do some heavy editing tomorrow morning.
As the Doobie Brothers (the awesome version of the Doobies with Tom Johnston and not the the benign version of the Doobies with Michael McDonald...if you doubt me, do yourself a favor and do some research) album title from the mid 70's said...
Once Were Once Vices Are Now Habits

Oh, by the way, I hear it might snow on Monday.
Ain't that a kick in the fucking pants.
Peace out.