The first sentence of my first post was...
"I'm going to give this a go"
Well I have.
...and now I'm not. At least for now

We'll see maybe in a week or two or three.....or a month...
Maybe it's this new computer I have...slow connections...enter, then hit enter again...then re-enter...wrong passwords...missing links I once had... and waiting...and waaaiiiting...aanndd waaaaiiitiiiing. Writing is supposed to be easy for me...
I don't know...maybe I expected more. Not many on line comments, but I had plenty of folks come up to me and say something nice...or reference something I had written
That was cool.
..and that's all I was looking for. I guess.
There were some good moments...the top ten lists...the song interpretations...the April Fool joke....remembering my Dad.
Like my good friend, Joe Walsh, said..
"..and we don't need the ladies
cryin' 'cause the stories sad..."
So it goes.