Fa la la la la la la la la.
So there.

What is it with Christmas song lyrics?
They are sung by all, but you know what?
They don't make sense.
"Don we now our gay apparel"?
Ok. I guess so...don't know if I actually own any gay apparel, but, 'tis the season so what the hell.
But that's not as bad as the next line from that song..."troll the ancient yuletide carol"
Ain't buying it.
Doesn't make sense.
WTF does trolling have to do carols, let alone ancient yuletide ones?
...but I am down with the being jolly. I'm all for jolly. Jolly is under utilized. Maybe jolly isn't socially accepted. I don't know. When was the last time you actually saw someone being jolly anyway?

Ladies and gentleman...Jolly John. You will not know Jolly John if you're not from Maine...or under the age of 25. Neither of those statements apply to Pete.
Does anyone know any good sleighing songs?
I don't.
Perhaps if I was dashing through the snow one might come to me.
Doubt it.
What are jingle bells anyway. Don't all bells jingle? Other than at Christmas does anyone even say jingle?
Let me answer that for you.

That's a funny cat photo, I hear people love funny pictures of animals.
Me? Not so much.
pa rum pa pum pum
Really? Is that supposed to sound like a drum because it doesn't.
Well, maybe it does if your drum is made out of clay.

..and your drumsticks. And yourself.
That song sucks so much that those are the only words I know in the whole song.
What does that tell you?
Doesn't help that it's repeated every other line of the song.
You are forced to sing that line eight hundred and twenty seven times..if you go with the long version.
How come the bumble or Yukon Cornelius don't get mentioned in the Rudolph song?
They were key players.
Hermie on the other hand, deserved to be left out.
Seriously, would you want him for your dentist?
Didn't think so.

This is from the lost episode "Hermie decapitates his first patient".
To this day I don't know why that one wasn't so popular.
Hey, let's go on a sleigh ride!
All of our friends will call yoo hoo.
Well, I guess in a wintry fairy land they might.

Enough already.
I've got to go have a cup of cheer.
Festivus for the rest of us.
tra la la la la la la la