I love where I live.
Am I talking about New England? Well, yes and no. I do love this little group of states tucked up into the northeast corner of the country. No other group of states have a cool moniker like we do. Others try...but they fail.
The Southeast - sorry, that's just geographic. So's the Midwest (what the hell constitutes midwest anyway?)
You've got Southern California, but that don't count because it's only part of one state.
The Bible Belt....but I don't know if anyone can tell you exactly where that is. It certainly isn't a complete set of states, rather, parts of separate states. Besides, that's not even my favorite "belt" in the country. I prefer the Cotton Belt....or the Snow Belt...or even the Rust Belt.
I like the sound of Appalachia...but I don't like the feel of it. Deliverance still gives me the willys.

Am I talking about my state? Well, again, yes and no. Just like New England, I love being stuck up into the farthest most northern and eastern state in the country.
We're unique.
Maine only has one syllable.
We only border one other state.
We've got lobsters...and moose...and lighthouses.
Our state flower is the pine cone tassel for crissakes.

You know what I'm really talking about? It's my neighborhood. In 15 minutes I can walk to the most famous lighthouse in the world......come to think of it, I can walk to three lighthouses in 15 minutes.

...or to a beach with a view that cannot be beat

or to two bakeries....or three ice cream shops...a liquor store that has great pizzas and italians (yes, italians - look it up if you're not from Maine)....a neighborhood grocery store....Thai food....fresh pasta....art galleries...parks...a surfboard shop...churches...cemeteries...a library...the greenbelt...and did I mention a liquor store. I did, but it bears a second mention.
So that's why I love where I live.
Ask me again....
....in January.
We'll see.