Billy Preston the (one of the many) fifth Beatle
..and there is some impressive hair in this band !
..although I don't think they really classify as a hair band.
THIS, would be a hair band

This is Ratt ( I think). Yes, Ratt with two t's. What can I say other than it was the 80's.
I actually shared a hotel with Ratt..or at least their tour bus was in the hotel parking lot, I think it was at my brother in laws wedding, or maybe not. I don't recall seeing any Ratts walking around the hotel, but it was about 20 years past their prime, for all I know this could have been a picture of the members of the band. If I recall, these guys were quite a handful.

...and the ladies loved them.
Switching gears...
I had a super hero dream last night, although I don't have total recall, it involved most of the superheros I loved as a kid. Somehow, I was the Flash, with one exception. I wasn't fast. So I don't really know how that was working out...all my other superhero friends still had all their super powers, but not me..I just had my "regular powers".

All my other superhero friends never noticed, they were flying, and stretching, and hovering, and flaming on, and getting all invisible and so forth. I remember saying to Batman ( I think it was the George Clooney Batman), that I wasn't good for long distances, but I'm ok with short bursts of speed. Well, that, my friends, would be a lie. I'm not a runner, never was, never will be. Even when I was a fairly decent athlete... when I was younger (emphasis on fairly), I was never a runner. I don't get it...running is not fun, people that run are nuts. Lot's of my friends like to run, and somehow, they are still my friends.
Does this look fun to you?

No, you're right, it doesn't. So why?
The last running I did was running down to the store, but that involved getting into my car and driving.

While vacuuming today I realized I'm a much better guest than a host. Don't ask me why it came to me while I was vacuuming, but it is very true.
So I've told you about my brush with death...
...but I had a couple of others.
One involved me, two friends, a canoe, a whole bunch of beer, and a pea coat.
Did you know that a pea coat can absorb nearly 600 lbs of water?
Another involved two friends (once again), a Ford Escort, an icy road, an 18 wheeler, and at least one poor choice. This one deserves a blog of it's own...but here's a clue
...and then there was that episode of Glee. I thought I was goners during that....
On another note.
You know I can't dance.
and I'm ok with that.
But you know what I wish I could do?
I love music...I often post about music...I've (sort of) learned to play the guitar..I can (sort of) read music...I bet I could write a decent song or two. But I can't sing.
Anytime I try it sounds like a cross between Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, and Tiny Tim.

How's that for the three caballeros?
In my mind, this is what I dream of
That's about enough nonsense for now.
I'll leave you with this....
Best of luck Jason Varitek,
thanks for getting traded to the Red Sox for Heathcliff Slocumb...
thanks for those two world series championships...

and thanks for feeding A Rod a mouthful of leather
