How about after watching this?
If not, the story of the Monkees is a good one.
One that I'm not going to go into.
Google it.
That's not what this one's about.
This one is about taking a casual walk through my neighborhood and noticing the things that most people overlook because they are too busy doing things like, oh, I don't know, going to work when it's still dark out, coming home in the dark, getting to dance classes, and basketball practices, and soccer games, arranging pick ups and drop offs, and squeezing in dr. appointments, and forgetting friends birthdays, and not visiting family like you should, and cooking, cleaning, decorating, shopping, writing blogs....
I think you get the picture. If not, I'm sorry for you. That was not subtle. You should probably stop reading now, because it's about to go south from here.
Really far south.
So this was what I saw when I actually took some time to take in the sights and sounds of my hood.
Sort of.
There's a couple of new restaurants (can I tell you that I ALWAYS spell restaurants wrong. I'm a decent speller, easily a finalist in a spelling bee, but that word would be my demise) in my neighborhood. You should check them out.
There's the new chinese place (see how I skipped using the word resteraunt....I'm no dummy)

...and I love a nice buffet as much as the next guy..
This place sounds nice...

...and I've always loved the diversity of where I live...

I actually stopped in and tried this place...

The balls, were indeed, very chewy.
It was nice to see people getting their houses ready for the holiday.

I would have helped him but I was to busy taking his picture. Hope he made out ok.
I like the houses that just go simple and classy. Like this.

Actually, that's my house. I'm very proud of it.Unfortunately I had to blow all of those inflatables up the old fashioned way...lung power. I expect to be light headed until next year.
Well, at least someone finally found Tom...

Funny, these streets don't show up on my GPS...

Fortunately I was on the other side of the street

By now I figured it was time to head home.
Much to my surprise I saw my next door neighbor had a new sign on their front yard.

Must be talking about the guy across the street. I feel the same way.
As you can see , it's well worth the time to go out and explore your local hood.
You never know what you'll see. much for getting the month off to a good start.
Much love.
Peace out.