First, in the Halloween spirit - Hocus Pocus by Focus
So things that scared me...and , let me add, I don't like to be scared. Not really my thing.
- Anyone remember those cheesy documentaries from the 70's that covered things like the Bermuda Triangle, the Loch Ness Monster, and UFO's? Well, the one that got me was "Sasquatch: The Legend of Bigfoot". That was the one that showed the famous footage of Bigfoot walking along this riverbank, then he actually turned and looked back at the person filming him. Are you kidding me?! He saw the guy filming him! How the hell did that guy get out of there alive? But the scariest clip was a scene that showed someone sitting next to a window when ALL OF A SUDDEN, this big hairy arm reaches in through the window. Holy crap! I could not sit next to a window at night that entire Summer. I still remember that scene now. Hang on while I move to the middle of the room....
- The Thing at the Foot of the Bed

Out of the thousands of books I checked out at the library as a kid, this is the one I remember the most. The book was divided into six sections - Funny Ones, Scary Ones, Real Ones, Ghost Games, Witch Stories, and Do's and Don't about Ghosts.
Here are some of the Do's and Dont's
I still remember doing the one looking between the ears of my dog, Duke. Apparently pets can see ghosts. I can say that I can't recall ever seeing any myself though....must have been doing something wrong.
Don't know if this book is even in print anymore, but if it is, and you have kids, get to your local library and check it out.
- The movie Halloween. I could barely watch this the first time, with a bunch of my friends at Danny Browns house. Danny lived directly across the street from me growing up. I don't know how I mustered up the courage to run across the street after watching this movie at his house. Holy cow did that scare me...that music...chills up my spine. That mask that Michael Myers wore. Creepy. I remember that scene where he stabs someone (into a wall I think) then he sort of tilts his head to look at him.
- All of those Peanuts specials. Yeah they seem innocent enough, but haven't you noticed? There are no adults ! Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus and the rest of them are the original Children of the Corn. Those diabolical little bastards! I'm not sure how they did it...maybe Linus' blanket played a role...Pig Pen's toxic dust cloud...maybe Frieda's "naturally" curly hair wasn't so natural after all, those curling chemicals can be as lethal as agent orange...possibly Snoopy's Sopwith Camel strafed the city. I don't know, I just don't like it.

- Spiders. Say no more.
"Hold on man, we don't go anywhere with "scary", "spooky", "haunted", or "forbidden" in the title". Shaggy (from Scooby Doo)