But I did always like this one...
There was actually a guy that moved like this at Bubba's last night. Except he was older, and whiter, and a little bigger, he didn't have much hair, and not nearly as talented, (and I'm not talking about me...this time) but hey...at least he was out there.
Remember this? http://pompatusofpete.blogspot.com/2011/11/i-was-travelling-down-road-feeling.html
...but that's not what I want to talk about
This is what I'm going to talk about.
Christmas lights.

Seems like I've noticed a lot of Christmas lights this year. Anyone else? If not, notice tonight if you're out after dark...or on your way home from work tomorrow, when it will surely be dark out. I've noticed some houses on my usual route home from work lit up that I don't recall seeing before. It's nice...it's even nicer with some snow (which, by they way, I promise this will be the only time I say something favorable about snow..ever...or, at least until the next time). I like it...puts me in the Christmas spirit, or if not in the Christmas spirit, then at least the Winter spirit...which is a necessity here in Maine, where Winter starts October 12th and ends some time after the Opening Day of baseball season.
Like with all things, it doesn't matter what you do in regard to decorating with lights, just that you at least do it.
There's a guy on the next street over that does his chimney on the top of his house in lights..and that's all...kind of classy.
Unlike this...

but at least he did something.
I love the lights in downtown Portland done by Pandora Lacasse...for those of you "from away" here's a few of them...

Although I noticed there were none at Deering Oaks this year...unless someone forgot to turn them on this year.
This is what the Oaks looked like last night about midnight (shot with my cell phone camera)

Not as nice, is it?
Damn, I've got to jump in the shower and go pick up Anna Banana...will have to finish this later.
By the way, my house has just been commissioned by the Coast Guard as the 64th active lighthouse on the coast of Maine

Gotta go...peace out.
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