Fashion etiquette test.
Wearing your pajamas in public.
I just went to the local bakery wearing my pajamas.

Should I have? I figured quick in quick out...make no eye to no one. It's a Friday morning when I had the day off, but I'm usually at work...everyone else must be as well, right?
First there was the woman with the petition to sign...actually three women with petitions to sign. Apparently one of them was running for state senate...or the mayor of willard square...or ambassador to Bug Light..or some such thing. All three of them acted a bit entitled to be harassing a guy in his pajamas. I signed their of them as Stu Pididiot, the second as Phil McCracken, and the third as Harry Paratesties (I'll let you mull that one for a minute).
That took care of them.

Inside the bakery...once again not expecting to actually run into anyone I knew I somehow managed to have conversations about...
Dweezil Zappa...

sweet potatoes....

Dr. J....

R. Crumb...

and bacon cupcakes...yes, that's right...bacon cupcakes

30 minutes later, I had finally paid for my bagels and was leaving.
...only to be accosted by the head petitioner.
It went something like this..
Her -"Would you like to sign "
Me, not letting her finish-"Already did"
Her, not listening -"I'm running for"
Me, interrupting again - "Already did"
Her, pushing forward - "blahbady blah blah"
Me, (sighing) - "Where do I sign"
I sign and hand back her clipboard
Her - "Thank you Mr. Dover"
Me - "Just call me Ben"

None of these folks noticed..or cared ...I was wearing my pajamas.
So the juries still out.
One thing I do know... the pajamas in public test went much better than the clown suit in public test

Peace, love, and bacon cupcakes.