Unfortunately this is how it's usually done

I don't do mad well. I wish I did. This guy did it well. The next scene in the movie is people all over the country opening up the their windows and shouting "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore" because they were mad as hell and they weren't going to take this anymore.
He motivated people when he got mad.
When I get mad I get incoherent and speak like a ten year old...that curses. I curse a lot when I get mad. I lose my trademark calm demeanor.

An old friend once told me that the phrase that best described me was "still waters run deep".

I always liked that. I liked that it was my description. I liked it better than, oh, I don't know,...something like "a wet blanket" or "fixed in your ways" or some other phrase to not be proud of. But "still waters run deep" obviously doesn't work for anger now does it? Perhaps something like "rough waters" or "danger Will Robinson" or "shark!, shark!"

Someone told me that when I do get angry it's "really effective" (obviously said by someone that didn't want to piss me off) because I hardly ever get mad. I don't buy it. If I was "really effective" when I got mad, I would feel better after I did it. Right? Wouldn't I?
I should feel good, shouldn't I ?

Maybe that's the problem. Not only do I not do mad well, I don't even like to get mad. Why would I? The definition of mad is "disordered in mind". That doesn't sound to good. Another definition is "completely unrestrained by reason and judgement". That's sounds pretty sucky too. If it doesn't make you feel good, then why do it? I usually feel worse after getting mad. Which then leads to an apology. Which kind of ruins the whole mad thing in the first place.
I think some people do mad well. There was that psycho homeroom teacher I had my first year of middle school. He got mad. A lot. I think he was a bit of a sadist. Actually I think he was criminally insane

Maybe his shoes were two sizes too small. Nope, that was the grinch...and even he came around at the end. I don't think this guy ever came around.
So maybe I shouldn't feel bad about not doing a good job at being mad.
It's a lose lose situation, don't you think?
I can't help but be a decent human being.
Let others be mad. If they're mad they probably deserve the feelings that follow.
What goes around comes around.
Do to others as you would have them do to you.
That's the golden rule, right?
...or is it polly wally doodle all the day. I forget.
...and where is the harmony?
Sweet harmony
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