This, my friends, is solid.
1) Have you ever seen a band that is more laid back than this one? How about this for a lineup?
Playing drums is "Hollywood" Hayward. Number 21 from Coolidge High. Guard. You know, from the White Shadow.

On bass is Kanye West's Dad. Willie. Yup, Willie West. That may be why Kanye is so pissed off all the time. Complete opposite of his Dad. Have you ever seen anyone play bass leaning back in an easy chair? Dude is chill. Chilly Willy.

Guitar is Rollo Larson, Lamont's shady friend on Sanford and Son

Rollo actually was the love child of Fred and Aunt Esther. Rumor has it that's what did Fred's wife , Elizabeth, in. Then again, everyone knows that Elizabeth and Grady did the junkyard boogie more than a couple of times. It's no wonder Fred was grabbing his heart all the time.That makes Rollo Lamont's step brother...or half brother...or brother from another Mother. Not sure on that.
Last but not least is Rodney Allen Rippy (I'm not even going to bother posting a photo of Rodney Allen Rippy because no one's going to see it and say, "Oh, so that's Rodney Allen Rippy. Just the name Rodney Allen Rippy is all that's needed) on keyboards. I don't really recall much about Rodney Allen Rippy, except that he had three names, and I was familiar with him "back in the day". Must have been on some After School Special. Maybe it was the one where three orphans from "very different" backgrounds live with the same foster parents waiting to get adopted, all the while getting bullied by the star quaterback who only acts that way because his dad is an alcoholic and his younger sister is a pregnant teen. Or something like that. Then again, maybe he was on one of the jello commercials. Who knows? Maybe it was Burger King.Either way, I hope he found success as an adult. I truly do....maybe I should have found his picture.
Alright, here it is...

There's no truth that Rodney Allen Rippy grew up to be Bobby Brown. None. I don't think.
B) What really struck me is when he starts repeating the line "I know" close to fourteen thousand consecutive times. Actually I had to listen to it four times and tried to count along. Not easy. The first time I came up with 374. The next time was 8. Then the next two times I came up with 26. So I'm sticking with that. You know something? 26 is the perfect number of times to repeat those words, 25 would have left you wanting....27 would have been overkill. Way to many. If you didn't bother to listen/watch the clip (although for the life of me, I can't believe your life is so busy or important that you can't invest the 2:09 that this clip runs. Hell, I've wasted 45 minutes writing this post) you can jump to the 54 second mark.
Oh, and I like the little groove that "Hollywood" (the drummer) kicks into at the exact same time. Check it out...again. You're welcome.
3) I've said this before and I'll say it again...ain't music great? So now this song will always remind me of the cold and blustery day waiting for my daughter to finish soccer practice in the rain. Guaranteed. I will not forget that.
Love it.
So it goes.
I LOVED The White Shadow!