So, I'm a nominee.
Doesn't mean I won anything, but at least I was nominated.
Akin to Alfred Hitchcock. Can you believe Hitch never won an academy award? They tossed him an honorary award (The Thalberg award, which apparently goes to the greatest director of all time that gets screwed by the movie industry and never won an Oscar. Named after Irving Thalberg who directed such classics as Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter. Well, not really, but I bet you're picking up what I'm laying down)

Anywho, I've been doing this blogging business for a little more than a year now. I've found it to be a much more pleasurable pastime than my old hobby which involved nudity and bike riding...two things that should never be uttered in the same sentence, let alone practiced. Or visualized.
But I digress.
I do love the writing though.It finds me able to do something I enjoy and "sort of" sharing it with folks is a bit of a thrill. I think the people that read my blogs get a pretty good feel for who I am and what makes me tick, even if you don't know me well. I like people that get it. I'm not such a fan of those that don't.
Back to the award.
Following the protocol that goes with this nomination is a requirement that I offer up seven random facts about me.
Here we go...
I'll call this
Seven Random Facts About Me
1) I spent the first fifteen years of my life lying about my middle name. Up until then it was Joe. At least I didn't take a pen to my birth certificate and add an "a" to Ann like someone in my family did. Someone that's not one of my two brothers. Someone that's my sister. My sister, the well respected nurse. Just don't let her near any birth certificates.
Oh, my middle name is Joel. I guess I didn't need to add an "l" to my birth certificate like someone in my family did. My Mom did it for me.

2) Pete likes the Kinks more than the Stones. Need I say more?

3) Although my real career has been in the fruit and vegetable business for over thirty years I never consumed a banana until this decade.

4) I'd feel less anxiety having to stand in front of an auditorium full of strangers and give a five minute impromptu unrehearsed speech on a subject I know nothing about than I would hanging a picture on a wall in my own living room. Remember, I'm the guy that nailed the wheels to my pine box derby car. Well done.

5) Has never met a person named Pete that I didn't like. I don't think. Speaking of Pete's you like, anyone remember Pete and Pete on Nickelodeon back in the early 90's? Best kid's show. Ever. Plus two Petes for the price of one.

6) Once lost 50 pounds. Then gained back 60. Kid you not. I suck. Actually I eat. More than I should. Oh (and here's an edit from the original post)..I've since lst 50 again. I rock.

7) I'd like to be in a play. The memorization may be an insurmountable hurdle though.

The next protocol that goes with being nominated is to list blogs that I follow (supposed to be ten, but God's honest truth, I don't follow ten blogs), so I'll steal from the seven things about myself and list seven blogs that I recommend
Dining with the Duleys - Actually this is just one of the Duleys, Joe. Joe and Charly Duley are two of the most creative, artistic, and overall decent folks that I know. Oh, and Joe's a Beatles fan and Charly is a Brit. How do you like them apples? This link actually goes to something that Joe writes for the Examiner, but to me it's still Dining with the Duleys. Oh, and be sure to listen to their radio show Tuesday at 7:30 on WMPG 90.9. You're welcome.

Scratch Baking -A blog from my favorite Bakery and if you know me, that's high praise. It's so popular that unless you catch it right, there's a decent chance that you may be waiting in line for the fresh bagels to come out of the kitchen with about twenty others. Fortunately, I've never witnessed any fisticuffs amongst the huddled masses. Maybe a scrum or two, but no fisticuffs. Oh, and it's ten minutes from my house..and I'm a "regular".

The Honey Exchange - A nice blog from a guy with a wicked sense of humor and a brilliant wife. The Honey Exchange is their business that is about all things bees. Great concept...saw a need and filled it. Well done and I hope their endeavour is as hugely successful as it deserves to be. Bring your honey to buy some honey and all other honey accoutrements. Oh, and did I mention they sell beer, mead, and wine? Well, they do.

Julie True Kingsley's Blog - Would you believe all of these first four blogs originate from my home town? They do. Pretty creative little hood I live in. Julie is an honest to goodness writer (yes, I mean published) and her style puts mine to shame. Oh, and she was the one that nominated me. Thank you Julie.

Food Coma - Joe Ricchio is one crazy mofo. Joe appears in all things media with the main goal (at least as it appears to me) is to get the messge out that you do not hve to accept the lowest common denominator of food choices in the gastronomically diverse state that is Maine. He blogs, writes for Maine magazine, produces and stars in videos, bar tends, and makes cameos on local newscasts...all promoting his love of food. Although we are "facebook" friends we do not know each other, but I did see him perusing local offerings at the Portland Public Market in Monument Square one day this Summer and I told him it reminded me of what it must have been like to watch Ted Williams pick out his bat before stepping into the on deck circle. Mad props.

pORTcITYdAILYpHOTO -I like pictures. I wish I had the eye that some of my gifted photographer friends do...but I don't, so that's my cross to bear. Shed no tears for me, I'll be fine. This site has some pretty cool photos from scenes around town. I enjoy the clever captions as much as I do the photos. Hope you do too.

all music - Alright, finally a blog that isn't local..not like that's necessarily a good thing, it just is what it is. This is a good site because it speaks to all music (hence it's name) not just what the "people who know such things" tell me is the music I should be listening to. Screw them.

So on that positive note, this one's done.
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