That , my friends , is an example of the title grabbing you then giving you something you didn't expect. As is the title of that song.... 25 or 6 to 4.
This one was a double entendre....but not all of them are.
I made a casual comment the other day that I excel at titles. I went so far as to say, (this is me speaking now), I think my next blog is just going to be a whole bunch of titles. So, in a sense, this is my next blog and it's going to be a whole bunch of titles...with the usual twists and turns and detours of trying to add some clarity or insight, when all I'm really doing is making things a bit more convoluted.
But that's ok.
I'm down with that.

That is the first detour. That's a palindrome, but it could be a clever title. Some day...but not today.
Some of the better (or at least my favorite) titles I've run through in the past 97 (yes, 97) posts I've created would be, in no particular order, some of these...oh, and feel free to Google - Pompatus of Pete, then any of these titles. It will take you right to that blog. I'll let you search out the ones that intrigue you, so no commentary on the titles themselves. You'll see the title often doesn't have much to due with the ensuing content
- Strolling the kitties
- Rise and shine Sleepyhead
- Sometimes I...No, I don't
- Who's the guy that writes those books
- That ship what's the best way to say it....
- C'mon, I was only ten years old
- Betty better butter Brad's bread
- Would you do it for a Scooby snack
- My day with Christopher Walken
- HR Pufnstuf was naked...
- Fifty shades of Pete
- Put your big toe in the milk of human kindness
- Mary liked to pour gravy on John's _____
- Don't make me repeat myself
- "Just don't give him anything good to hit"
- Phil McCracken
- If only the Beatles had been Canadian
- Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine
- Easy there big fella"
...and that's just skimming the surface.

That's me in the Scooby Doo outfit. This picture just skims the surface of why I was wearing a Scooby Doo costume.
Aside from some of those past titles, I've got a whole host of titles to unleash on you in the future. The danger of giving you a "peak under the tent" is that it may negate me ever being able to use these again.

But we'll see..there's no rules out here in the internets.
So, here's some of the future titles I've been toying with (some with a brief description of what I envisioned the blog to be about. Others, unfortunately defy description)
- I prefer mine pink and juicy. but not bloody. (My cookout blog)
- The ants are my friends ( a Bob Dylan blog)
- Where's all the white women at? (referenced a few times in prior blogs)
- Stand on the stair and stare at those homophones
- Don't pinch her ear (say it do you get it?)
- Is a 24 pack of crayons any less important than a 64 pack? (defies description)
- Comma comma comma comma comma comedian
- Doughnuts make make brown eyes blue
- Fame was like a drug. But what was even more like a drug were the drugs. (ode to Homer Simpson)
- I saw her duck (inexplicable)
- Three fish, one smelt (Rick Russell- third grade)
So maybe someday these will become future blogs. Perhaps not. Only I know the answer to that, and unfortunately, I don't know the answer to that.
Time to hit the hay...which come to think of it, was another one.

much love
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