A three dog night means it was cold people.
It's been cold here lately..and by cold I mean COLD.
Friggin' cold.
The last few mornings have been colder than the temperature in my freezer. Or yours
Think about that.
It's the kind of cold where people do things like bring a pot of boiling water outside, chuck it up into the air, and it turns into snow. Instantly. Oh, and they film themselves doing it. Like this.
That's just stupid. That's more stupid than the people that cook an egg on the sidewalk in the Summer...or maybe almost as stupid. I don't know. You decide.

I'll take that over easy. Hold the dirt.
Back to the cold...
So, add that colder than your freezer temp and let's add in some wind.
That's when it gets good (and I mean in a bad way).
That's when we can start talking about wind chill.
That's not how cold it IS..that's how cold it FEELS.
(as you can see theis blog is directed at all the non Mainers that read this. If you're from Maine, like me, you learn about wind chill before you go to kindergarten. For everyone else, I'm not so sure).

The wind chill the last three days..
22 below zero
12 below zero
4 below zero
Let that sink in for a minute.....
I feel kind of guilty because as I write this the current wind chill is all the way up to 6. Yes 6. That's four less than ten. It can get 25 degrees warmer and water would still freeze....and I'm thinking it's warm out.

The cold has obviously affected my ability to reason.
I saw this guy hitch hiking the other day

This gentleman knocked on my front door and asked to spend the night on the couch the other night because it was so cold.

So I let him in.
Next morning he left without saying goodbye, but before he left he apparently peed all over my floor.

I'll never do that again.
Normally I'll just start the car, turn the defroster on, let the car run for a few minutes, and I don't have to scrape the ice of the windshield.

I said normally.
Hasn't seemed to bother my cat much though.

Ok...enough of this.
Oh. one more thing...
just how cold is a witches tit?

Peace out.
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