How about now?
Let that one sink in for a minute Cloutier.
Road trip tomorrow. That's when some of my best (and I use that term very loosely) ideas for my blogs come from. Oft times it's attributed to what I may be listening to at the time. Music is always a good fall back for me. I frequently add thoughts/opinions/clips of songs into the insipid blogs of mine.Here's a case in point...
I've got the same trip coming up tomorrow that inspired that blog. Fingers crossed there's no flying cows this time.
...and this time I'm going to comment on the soundtrack to be before I hit the road... it also gives me a chance to make another list, which, by the way, is also a fairly common fall back on these blogs
One other thing, can't promise this but I'll try not to be redundant (although that has been my middle name since I changed it from Joel when I was about twelve years old).
Let's see how this goes. Maybe some clips, maybe just comments
So, drumroll please....these will be the start of what I'm listening to in the car for about five hours tomorrow.
Ready Set Go !
Once in a Lifetime -Talking Heads
"You may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile
You may find yourself in a beautiful house with a beautiful wife
You may ask yourself, well, how did I get here?"

I've been thinking lately what a great band this was. I blew off my Babe Ruth All Star game to see these guys during their Stop Making Sense tour. I'm not saying this is what derailed my baseball career. I'm just saying.
David Byrne = Genius.
Montana - Frank Zappa
I'm providing the clip for this one.
The company that I work for posts announcements (when people accept new positions) where they ask you canned questions (or at least they used to, not so sure anymore) like... what's your favorite food...or favorite quote or some such other favorite thing.
After my last job shift, on my announcement Q and A I wanted to work in the line...
"I'm moving to Montana soon, gonna be a dental floss tycoon"
But I didn't. I didn't think anyone would "get it"
I should have.
Frank Zappa = Genius
Without You - Harry Nilsson
Harry Nilsson = Genius (just thought I'd get that out of the way early this time)
Unless you're Dana Dodge...or my brother (not sure if either of which reads these blogs), you probably don't know this one.
Hence the clip...
If loved ones wanted to only play Harry Nilsson songs at my funeral, I would not be upset... and not only because I'd be dead.
Clap for the Wolfman - The Guess Who
My favorite Canadian band. Well after Neil Young. And Joni Mitchell. And the Band. and maybe Bare Naked Ladies...I think you get he picture.
Only other song I know besides the Joker by Steve Miller that has the word pompatus in it.
Blue - The Jayhawks
Maybe one of the most melancholy songs ever written. Noticed I didn't say sad.
It can't be all about rainbows and pinwheels all the time can it ? (and truly when is it ever about rainbows and pinwheels. That doesn't even make sense. I apparently have that analogy mixed with someting else.)
"Where have all my friends gone. They've all disappeared"
See. Melancholy.
Bungle in the Jungle - Jethro Tull
A couple of reasons.
A) Because there was no Jethro Tull. Right? Everyone knows that's just the name of the band. Don't you?
2) What else rhymes with jungle?
C) Fungal wouldn't have been as good. Would it?
Tightrope - Leon Russell
"Like a rubber neck giraffe
you look into my past
Well maybe you're just to blind to...see"
Love it. I ran into Leon on the sidewalk after seeing a show of his with a dear old friend. I'd ask her what I may have said to him, but I'm not sure she'd remember the encounter.
Good times.
Someday, Someway - Marshall Crenshaw
I love me some Pop music and this is some good pop music.
This one's got sing along written all over it.
My band (Pete and the Bombers) rocks this one out like it's nobody's business.
Annie - Pete Townshend and Ronnie Lane.
Trust me. You don't know this one.
From one of my favorite albums (yes, albums)
Please enjoy enjoy this one. It's friggin' beautiful.
Like my daughter Anna.
"Old oaks stand tall, Annie
Seen the world grow small, AnnieBut when they fall, Annie, where will we be?
A Girl Like You - The Smithereens
I like the name of the band.
...and I like this song.
A power pop classic (if there's such a thing)
"I'll say anything you want to hear
I'll see everything throughI'll do anything I have to do
Just to win the love of a girl like you, a girl like you"
Don't Know Why - Norah Jones
Sexy and sultry and breathy and lovely and more
"Out across the endless sea
I would die in ecstasy
But I'll be a bag of bones
Driving down the road alone"
I'm feeling it.
There. Those will at least get me in to Massachusetts.
...and I gots to get up early tomorrow.
Maybe I can finish this from the road tomorrow or the next day.
But then again, perhaps not.
If this inspires you to discover at least one of these songs, my job here is done.
So it goes.
This is a keeper!I like anything by Nilsson but not that one, but I liked it, love
ReplyDeleteRonnie Lane..lost to history by most.. Frank Zappa? Genius.