I can say that without hesitation. It may not even be the best thing you read today...or in the last hour.
...but at least the title is better than this one

sort of.
But then again, that's not my goal with this thing. Not that I've ever really had a goal producing the lameosity (hey, a new word!) that I've been writing for the last, oh, I don't know, 20 months or so.

If, for the two or three or five minutes it's takes to go through one of these posts makes you forget that crappy day you had at work, or that it's rained for three straight days, or you forgot to pay your taxes (well, maybe not that one), then it's accomplished all I ever wanted it to.
If it makes you think about something that you hadn't thought of for a long time, or makes you smile, even better.
If you share it with someone else, then that someone shares it with someone, who it turn shares it with someone else, and that someone has literary connections and deems Pompatus of Pete to be the most relevant thing ever created and it leads to me making millions of dollars, allows me to retire, and gets me season tickets in the first row behind the Red Sox dugout, even better still.

...maybe not.
You clicked that, right? I apologize if it takes you to another page to listen to it, then you're forced to go back to this page to finish this blog. That my amateurism showing there. Yessah.
Thought it was a nice segue from one topic to the next. Sound familiar?
Ray Manzarek died yesterday. You know Ray, don't you?

Sure you do. Ray's the second one from the right. Behind the homely dude in the front. That guy always had to be in front. Too bad no one remembers his name.
Ray was the guy behind the signature keyboard sound of the Doors. Oh and he also played the bass lines on his keyboard at the same time. The lead singer was to busy unzipping his fly on stage to learn how to play an instrument (except for his own that is).
The Doors got huge (again) when I was in high school. This was the early 80's.Everyone I knew owned or borrowed or claimed to have read this book.

I wonder who has since then?
This book led me to (and a few million other white kids - that's right, Pompatus of Pete is white) buying every Doors album and Jim Morrison's books of "poetry"...and that deserves the " "'s.
The Doors were a perfect example of making great art as a group. Jim Morrison would have ended up a fat drunk that died of a heart attack in his bathtub even earlier than he actually did if he hadn't met the other three. And he would have done it in some flop house in Los Angeles and not in Paris.
...and his three bandmates would have still played (and played well) but it would have been in anonymity, just like the millions of other talented musicians out there that never "make it big".

Sorry about that.
Really really sorry.
I've got a nice photo of me in Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris. I was at Jim Morrison's grave.
I probably won't get a picture of myself at Ray Manzarek's grave.
Shame on me.
That doesn't make him any less important.
Anywho, since the early 80's the Doors have remained one of my favorite bands of all time, despite the fact that their music has , unfortunately become so mainstream, it usually barely registers a reaction when flipping through the radio dial. But, occasionally, something will catch your ear about how great they really were.
Like this...
That's all for now.
Let's see...
Enticing title? check
A little rambling? check
Funny little idea incorporated? check
Snuck in a music video? check
Looks like my work is done here.
This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end