I don't have much capacity for words that are spelled wrong...or actually, the people that spell the words wrong.
Although I can't swear that I don't have a typo or two interspersed in these missives of mine, I can swear that I swear every time I find one.
In a former job of mine I was in a food production plant owned by a company that I can't name...but the name of the company did rhyme with Smell Monte. So, I'm taking a tour of their plant and after about the 74th iteration of their spiel of quality control of all aspects of their business I pointed out that on their label of a broccoli concoction that they had misspelled the word broccoli.

It was wrong.
The tour guide stops , looks at me, and says,
"No it's not".
So I said, in my most professional tone.."It is".
The tour guide, for some unexplicable reason, decides to dig in his heels.
"No. That's spelled right. That's how you spell broccoli"
Me, in a now unprofessional but sort of streetwise manner say,
"Sorry. Broccoli has two c's and one l....not one c and two l's. Unless it's some form of broccoli unknown to man that you've just created. Unless I've been spelling it wrong since I first learned to spell it when I was in third grade. Unless every edition of Webster's dictionary ever published has had that one error in it. Unless you are saying your company is somehow smarter than every other person in the world that has spelled it the other way every other time it's been spelled since that word has been created. If that's what you're saying , then I guess I'm wrong.

Let's just say that smarmy bastard got my rankles up.
Two days later he emailed me and apologized that he was wrong. Didn't matter much because I decided to stop doing business with him the second he told me that hadn't misspelled broccoli.
You live you learn.
Things spelled wrong don't always make me mad. Sometimes that make me smile.

The backwards N makes this one twice as nice.

I'll bet if I were to ask the owner a dozen times which of these was spelled wrong he'd only be able to give me the right answer half of the time.

Dude. That one just makes me sad.

You shore is.

M-i-s-s-i-s-s-i...hey, wait a minute
Misspelled words bother me more than, oh, let's say, mispronounced words.
A very smart friend of mine always pronounced tragedy as tradegy. What's even more tragic is that I've heard him say tradegy enough times to pick up on him mispronouncing it.
Oh, scratch that, it's strategy and stragety. ...but I liked how I used the word tragic in that previous sentence. So I'm keeping it.
But I will admit that I cringe every time someone says acrosst.
Now I'm far from perfect, I just reserve the right to criticize everyone else's failings.
That's what I do.
...notice I didn't use the word restaurant?
That one gets me every time. Except that time.
I think.
My spelling is Wobbly. It's good spelling but it Wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong places. - A. A. Milne

rock n roll
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