I say, incredulously, "What do you mean I talk to much about death? I don't talk to much about death".
Says she, "Your blogs all have something to do about death".
Apparently she had something there...reminiscing about my Dad (dead)...songs I want played at my funeral (death)... life and death (ummm, death), so I guess that cliffhanger I mentioned earlier will have to wait.
So what to write about?...hum dee dum..
got it.
First a video from my second favorite band of all time...
So, I like beer, although I'm not really much of a beer drinker, really I'm not. I go days without as much as a swig...a six pack can reside in my fridge for weeks at a time...I'm as apt to have a tall glass of water as I am a beer when I got out to dinner.
But, don't get me wrong, I'm no teetotaler, not remotely. I can "drink too much" ( as the amateurs say) a couple of times a year. By the way, Missy- if you're reading this , I still need to apologize to your Dad for a conversation I had with him at a Sea Dogs game this year.....
Anywho, back to me liking beer.
I cut my teeth on , of all things, Colt 45 (had to be 16oz cans) and Haffenreffer bottles, with the rebus' under the cap. Go figure...and while you're at it, here's a Haffenreffer cap to figure out on your own.

When my friends switched to Budweiser or Miller or Pabst Blue Ribbon, I stepped into Heineken or Beck's..which began my journey into "good" beer snobbery. Although I'll bet I digressed when I'd be drinking out of the red solo cups in the woods or golf courses or sand pits of SoPo.
And why beer do you ask ? (do you?). I attribute that to an unfortunate incident that was equal parts southern comfort and vomit. Hope weren't eating.
I digress....
Some of my favorites would include
- most of the Shipyard line up, especially the seasonals
- Ubu Ale, which I discovered on a business trip to Lake Placid
- Gritty's, well just because (by the way I'm now the owner of mug #222...it had to be something I'd remember)
- Peak's Organic, because every best of list has to have something organic on it nowadays, doesn't it?
- Top of the list for me...Magic Hat. Especially #9. That's my go to beer...and would you believe I can now count the magician that created this wonder as a friend of mine...although he still won't go for that Scratch Pete's Fresh Nuts idea (that is, in case you were wondering, a reference to a facebook post prior to facebook going all haywire on everyone). ..and maybe in some way the sayings under the Magic Hat caps bring me back to my Haffenreffer days....nah, I think that might be a stretch
A toast: Here's health to those I love and wealth to those who love me.