Why do I do it?
Why do I write?
That's a damn good question..and I'm not so sure I know the answer.
Am I any good? Sometimes.
Do I have anything relevant to say? Occasionally.
Does it make me any money? Of course not.
Do I enjoy it? Absolutely.
..and I hope you enjoy it too.
In my mind, thousands of people are reading what I post (actually they have, but over the course of 13 months). Everywhere I go people point and say, "There here is. That's Pompatus of Pete". Everyone appreciates how clever these blogs are...how well written they are...how they they learn something whenever they read one. They all say, "You know, you're really good. You should do that professionally".
Not so much. Like I said, in my mind.
This is how it really goes.
I get a fragment of an idea and I let it roll. (This one came to me while mowing the lawn). I spend an hour or so typing it up, sort of freestyle. I go back and make a few edits (although I never catch them all). I insert a picture or two where it makes sense. Even where it doesn't make sense. Then I post it.
Then I wait. I wait for the masses to trip over each other to read what I just wrote. I perpetually check the stats to see how many hits I've had. I'm often surprised. Sometimes I'm not. Then I let it be.
You know something? The paragraph prior to the previous one isn't always true. Sometimes I have no idea what I'm going to write. I just sit and write whatever pops into my mind. It sometimes works. I usually start off those posts by saying something like "this one's random" or "not sure where this one's going to go" or "it was the best of times it was the worst of times". Well, not the last one so much, but I think you get it.

Here's an example of a random blog...this was written the morning of Thanksgiving last year, and by morning I mean middle of the night morning...time of the day when you should still be sleeping morning...time of the day when the only people that are up would be the guy that has to make the donuts... even the frat boys and prostitutes are in bed at this time of morning.
Here's the example
Which leads to to my style. Not really sure on this one either. Maybe conversational? It is on my end any way. As I type I always I picture myself having a conversation with the reader. I do. Keeps it kind of informal that way, don't you think? (See...we're having a conversation)
Maybe a better description is a word I made up to describe it...any by God if this word catches on I want some credit, because it's gold.
Ready for it?
Here it is.
Non faction.
Let that one sink in. Ruminate on it for a minute. Swirl it around your mouth before swallowing it.
Non faction.
Not quite fact...not quite fiction...a mixed up muddled up shook up world of run on sentences, using who and whom wrong, mixing up then and than, and not quite believing if what you're reading is true or not. It's some where in between real and make believe ala Mr. Rodgers Neighborhood of Make Believe.
That Lady Elaine Fairchild was the creepiest puppet ever created by the way.

...never claimed to be perfect.
I'd like to think there are actually some folks out there that enjoy reading what I write.
I'd like to think there are some people that look forward to these things.
I know I do.
Hope you do too.
Ok. Enough of this nonsense.
zip a dee doo dah
i thoroughly enjoy your blog pete. keep going.
ReplyDeletethanks Ross..appreciate the kind words