Well, not really sick.
Pete's not been well.
Really really unwell.

Not sure the level of detail I want to (or, truth be told, you'd want me to) go in to.
Long story short, I've got a blood clot in my leg that was dangerously close to getting into a place that you don't want to be "clotted". Clots move and can end up in places like lungs, hearts, and brains.
....and to think I used to believe thrombosis was in the woodwind family.
I don't do sick well...even writing about this makes me feel a little skeezy.
I wrote about being sick quite some time ago. Here it is...
That time it was a cold. This time's a little worse.
But, I'm getting better....or so I'm told. No need for calls from my millions (errr, dozens) of readers asking how I am. I'll be fine. Eventually.
Like I said, without getting into the gory details I'll just do an overview of my past two weeks
- five doctors (I'm talking family doctor here) visits. This is not the final number by the way...I'll have to be going in every few days to have blood work done for the indefinite future. Do you think Pin Cushion Pete sounds better than Pompatus of Pete?
- four different antibiotics to cure the incorrect initial diagnosis (at least only one of them was intravenously - although I did get that one twice)
- Three days... so far ...that I've needed to give myself injections into my stomach (twice a day mind you). This is for a blood thinner that will break up the clot (note that's a four letter word). This has to be done somewhere between the next ten days and the rest of my life. They're not sure yet. Oh, and when I say "I've" had to give myself, when I say I, I mean my wife. I can't bring myself to do it. I would have been a horrible junkie. Next time you see us together, know that she is by far a stronger person than I. Pete, unfortunatley, is a bit of a sissy when it comes to needles.
- two seperate ultrasounds. I think they did two so they could miss on the first one what they eventually found on the second one. Doh.
- two separate overnight night stays in the hospital. (and a sum of about six hours waiting in the emergency room with some of Portland's finest...ever been to the emergency room on a Friday night? Good times.). The first time the doctor released me because the incorrect diagnosis followed up by the incorrect medication was "looking better". Whoops.
Oh, and because of the blood thinner I'm on, I'm being hyper vigilant in regard to making sure I don't cut myself.
Shaving is a bit precarious right now and because of it I look somewhere between...
this (in my mind)

and this (to everyone else)

The few times I've touched a razor, this is what immediately comes to mind..
Why are you all spinning?
(If you didn't watch the video then that last line makes absolutely no sense...so why don't you just watch the video now, ok?)
...I think I'm going to sleep now. Bon Appetit
hey i dropped by today to see if there was antything you needed before the storm but couldn't raise you. i hope you were just sleeping. sucks getting old. do what they tell you to do. call me if there's anything i can do for you. ross