Music always seems to help.
The perfect pop song
Written by Elvis Costello.
Covered by everyone...but I like this version by Dave Edmunds the best....or is it Rockpile?
I'll bet Dana Snyder would know.
Even Linda Ronstadt did this one...but not like this.
"There are some things you can't cover up with lipstick and powder
I thought I heard you mention my name, can't you talk any louder ? Don't come any closer, don't come any nearer
My vision of you can't get any clearer
Oh, I just want to hear girls talk"
Who doesn't?
or maybe this is...
Nick Lowe
...or is it Rockpile? I'll bet Dana Snyder would know. Either way, it's the same band as the first clip.
"Cruel to be kind in the right measure
Cruel to be kind it's a very good signCruel to be kind means that I love you"
These guys were great.
How 'bout this one?
This one is Rockpile. For sure. I don't even need to ask Dana Snyder about this one.
Throw in a little Robert Plant on lead vocal for good measure.
That's a JAM...with a capital J, A, M
Robert Plant often comes to my home state..I've got two friends that have seen him at two different locations over the last two years.
One was at a pub, which you'd expect.
The other was at a Mall, which you would not.
I've never met him.
But I did meet this guy...
Well, one of them.
Graham Nash.
(This is without Stephen this is just Crosby and Nash...not the more popular Crosby Stills and Nash...or the also popular Crosby, Stills Nash and Young...or the less popular Crosby Steals the Stash).
Back to me meeting Graham Nash
Portland Maine
Lobby of the Nickelodeon Theater
Circa 1990, which was my prior life
Prior to a very forgettable Bill Murray movie called Quick Change

I see Graham Nash standing alone, possibly with a bag of popcorn in his hand...or maybe Jujubes. I think the English like Jujubes. Either way, not important.
So I go up to him...shake his hand...tell him what an influence his writing and music have been to me (which was/is true...although I'm a bigger Stephen Stills fan than Graham Nash fan, this I did not say). He asks me a few things about Portland, we exchange a few other pleasantries, then hugs me before he leaves. That's right. He hugged me.
Thought that was awfully nice.
OK, that one sidetracked me a little bit.
The point of those first three clips was it feels good to reminisce about things you haven't thought of for a long time.
How they bring you back to simpler times, easier times, better times.
At least in your memory.
A little reprieve from the current times we live in is a very necessary thing once and awhile.
It's what keeps us sane.
One more from my days or riding my bike up to 7-11 to buy the latest Rolling Stone...and one more that Rockpile...or Dave Edmunds..or Nick Lowe (I'll bet Dana Snyder would know) was involved in.
This one with Ross Little's Favorite Beatle.
How this for simple...the lyrics for this song (for this whole song) are
"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Now!
Ooh! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Oh yeah!
Yeah! Yeah! Now! Yeah!
Well, now, why haven't I had any dinner?
Well, well.
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Oh yeah! Hey yeah! Oh yeah!
Well, now, why haven't I had any dinner?
No, no, no.
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Well, well, well, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Yeah! Yeah! Ho! "
...but I like it just the same.
...and I like how Sir Paul calls Pete Townshend a "poof" because he's the only sod not wearing a lousy silver suit.
I'm not so sure he gave him a hug when they left.
As Paul says one..two..hree..four...
...and let the credits roll.
Hug your loved ones a little bit tighter tonight.
Peace and Love.
I like quick change. maybe I have to see it again. I saw David Crosby on commercial street last year. I didn't bother him. another guy did though and I eavesdropped on their conversation. and I'd rank cruel to be kind (my all time perfect pop song above girl talk but I like them both. Robert Plant - eh. and that Paul McCartney thing is noise. did you see ringo on the TV thing the other night by the way. wow. I mean good for him he's really really rich but he's not even a good children's entertainer anymore. best blog pete. gluten or not.