Truer words were never spoke.
They found those two bastids, sorry, cowards, that set off those bombs at the marathon. Not just any marathon...the BOSTON marathon. I don't even run, but even I know about the Boston Marathon. It's friggin' sacred is what it is. Almost makes me want to go for a run. Sort of. At least a slow trot..or a fast walk, whichever would be easier. It would just be to the local ice cream joint anyway...or maybe I'd be chasing down some ice cream truck. So it goes.

Anyway, these two bastids, I mean cowards, got their photos on the internets about a day ago. They were famous now. Or should I say infamous.
So last night they decided to kill another innocent.
...and hijack a car....
...and throw a few bombs around..
...then one of them got killed.
Too bad.
Not really.
So his little brother goes on the run.

And holds a city hostage.
But, not really.
This is what Boston did.
They said, "We're gonna get that bahstid"
(It sounded just like that, by the way)
They shut down.
No schools.
No public transportation.
No grocery stores, or shopping malls, or post offices.
No Red Sox game.

What other major Metropolitan city wold have done this?
Only Boston.
I love Boston.
...and they looked for him. They told everyone else to stay put, we'll find him.

And they did.
Anywho...long story short...Some Bostonian had the urge, during lockdown, to go for a little walk around the yahd..probably had to take a leak...and low and behold, he saw the little bastid, I mean coward, all stoved up in his boat. The boat was parked in his driveway. Not the best getaway plan if you ask me.

(actual boat actual driveway)
Not entirely sure what happened then, but I just saw a video shot from a cell phone that captured the final takedown, and after about 50,000 gunshots were fired, they got the bastid...I mean coward. Alive. That's good.
What's better is this...
A city came together....following up on leads from photos put out by the media (who is not always our friend)...listening to law enforcement to lock down and stay inside...doing what needed to be done..all in the name of retribution against innocent citizens. Hell, the whole country came together.
The Yankees fans were even showing the Red Sox some love.
It's about time things return to normalcy and we get back to this...

Peace and love Boston.
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