No one? Really, no one?
Tough titties. I am.
So, in usual fashion, this list is without a doubt the definitive list on this subject. While other lists may exist on this subject, they are all wrong and this one is right. Without a doubt. Indubitably.
Top hits for each year in the 1970's.

Why the 70's you may ask (or may not)...70's are my go to era for music....60's music was great, but I got that through osmosis (I was too young to appreciate it when it was current), 80's music mostly sucked (although I won't rule out a future list on either of these eras), 90's don't count, and post 2000 is still too new to me.
I'll try to keep this brief, (some as little as one sentence...but one incredible, well chosen, thought provoking sentence)I know you've all got more important stuff to do than invest in the five minutes it takes to read this drivel. I'll include a few video clips where I see fit...possibly on all of them
Here we go....
Spill the Wine - War
That's were the title of this blog is pulled from. Oh, and that was my nickname in high school. A trippier song you will never find. At least watch this one until he gets to the gnome line..then I dare you not to finish it.
Jealous Guy - John Lennon.
Yes, Jealous Guy...not Imagine. Imagine is great and all, but it's been done to death. It was my class song for crissakes. I'll put "I was dreaming of the past, and my heart was beating fast" up against "Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try" any day. Plus, you can never dismiss a song with whistling in it. Whistling kicks ass. Just like this song.
Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard - Paul Simon.
Another whistling song. What can I say? ...and I like the image of the Mama Pajama rolling out of bed.
Oh, and the little black girl in this video. No rhythm. God love her, but none. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Zippo.
Rosalita - Bruce Springsteen.
Bruuuuuce !
Worth the 9:44 to listen to this ...even if you don't watch it. Trust me on this one. Leave it on, turn it up and go wash the dishes or something.
Free Man in Paris - Joni Mitchell
Have you ever felt unfettered and alive. Have you ever even used the word unfettered. Really? You're lying if you said you had. Use it tomorrow. I dare you.
Road Runner - Modern Lovers
Screw disco...
"I say road runner once, road runner twice.
I'm in love with rock n roll and I'll be out all night"
and I love the repetitious "radio on! radio on!
Don't you?
The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - Gordon Lightfoot
This song was epic to me. Especially when listening to it on a Miami Dolphins replica helmet AM radio
Can't skip this one...
I saw Gordo closer than this with a dear friend back in the early 80's. Love to reminisce
1977 (Almost done.....)
Psycho Killer - Talking Heads
I also "hate people when they're not polite"...
The quirkiest grooviest white band. Ever.
Surrender - Cheap Trick
Don't deny it.
"Mommy's alright, Daddy's alright. They just seem a little weird"
Train in Vain - The Clash
Brilliant simplicity.
Now that is tough. Try it sometime.
There you go.
Top songs from each year in the 70's.
Don't deny it, you know it's true.
Hope you took a minute or two to appreciate a few of these...maybe something here will ignite a desire to seek out more from one of these bands. Maybe not. Who knows?
...and see how it was done without one mention of the Bee Gees or Abba (that is, until now).
So it goes.